VEXXEL: RItual for earthlings
What processes and practices might arise from a future literate ecological distress? How might the complex and uncanny realms of more-than-human ecologies offer new pathways through the trouble of climate chaos?
First delivered as a part of multi-day Nature Feelz Symposium for The Sydney Environment Institute and The University of Sydney, VEXXEL explores ecological emotion through collective, secular practice of communion with Earth's ecosystems and its multispecies inhabitants.
Part futures scenario, part participatory game, and part communion, VEXXEL explores how meaningful practices of transformation might arise beyond frameworks of belief, both in the present and futures yet to arise.
A collection of objects have arrived from the near future. Cards, a book and six vessels. Each of the future artefacts offers an invitation to collaboratively cultivate a process for meaningful transformation, as led by knowledge, life-ways, and perspectives beyond the human. What might a grief ritual look like if led by the pink slugs of Mt Kaputar? What might the Triop, or the Northern Quoll offer to conversations on climate grief? At natural science's nexus, secular ritual, experimental inquiry, and collective transformation.
In this iteration participants chose to compose a ritual of love and terror. VEXXEL is an iterative experience in development, suitable for any group of humans curious about the future, ritual, ecological emotions, and more0-than-human perspectives.